Solutions: Municipal Support

Municipalities are facing far more limited infrastructure funding options than ever before. Municipal infrastructure servicing needs to be effective in addressing and meeting the requirements of municipalities now and well into the future. Such services need to be delivered efficiently with the long term lifecycle in mind – whether funded by property taxes, utility rates, user fees, or funding from other levels of government. Capital investment plans needs to be stretched as far as possible while still meeting ratepayer needs. With the decades of municipal servicing experience that each of its senior staff bring to you, InfraCor specializes on supporting small and mid-sized municipalities in the development of their infrastructure. We bring you seasoned veterans of infrastructure development that work with you and your team to assess your current and future needs.

Help municipalities and their regional partners with:

  • Efficient and cost effective infrastructure planning
  • Local improvement studies, assessments and tax plans
  • Request for proposals
  • Offsite levy bylaw creation and reviews
  • Cost-sharing agreements
  • Joint service agreements
  • Intermunicipal cooperation agreements

Provide regional infrastructure support services that include:

  • Regional capacity studies for water & sewer services
  • Water and wastewater master plans
  • Regional infrastructure servicing studies
  • Intermunicipal water and wastewater servicing agreements

Deliver engineering services to municipalities that include:

  • Technical support / design review
  • Feasibility studies
  • Asset management studies
  • Infrastructure capacity studies
  • Infrastructure capital investment planning
  • Preliminary & conceptual designs
  • Engineering standards review and development
  • Water distribution systems & modelling
  • Drainage and stormwater management systems and solutions