Solutions: Water & Wastewater

InfraCor is a specialist in innovative water supply and treatment options as well as wastewater treatment and disposal options for our developer and small community clients. InfraCor is a specialist in innovative water supply and treatment options as well as wastewater treatment and disposal options for our developer and small community clients. In many cases, our water and wastewater solutions provide our clients with more salable land, higher value properties, and greater densities. All of this adds value to the land form.

Water Systems

Water System Master Planning

Raw Water Intakes and Supply Systems

Hydraulic System Modelling

Small Footprint Water Treatment Plants

Design-Build-Finance-Operate Strategies

Life Cycle Assessments

Off-site Assessments / Levies

Government Agency Coordination


Wastewater Systems

Wastewater System Master Planning

Small Footprint Treatment Plants and Facilities

Design-Build-Finance-Operate Strategies

Collection System Assessment/Management

Life Cycle Assessment

Off-site Assessments / Levies

Lift Stations & Forcemains

Government Agency Approvals

Water Reclamation & Reuse Strategies